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June 8 – 15 July, 2018

Olga Bennett: Untitled_ccp_archive.jpg

  • Olga Bennett

Archives have problems. In the same way that language fails; but tries. It is all in the trying, I tell myself. It is more of a mere gesture than a grasp.

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Creating an inventory of images; she scans, exposes and repeats. It is all in the repetition and the marks that come up by mistake. The differences that ensue, through repetitive process, are only evident to the one who carries out the action.

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I look at the images and the matter is displaced. Origin or archive interrupted and I am wondering where I came from and where I am going to; where I will end up. If I lay down on the scanning bed, what will be transferred, exposed and illuminated?

(Josephine Mead)


Olga Bennett

Olga Bennett (born Russia, based Melbourne) has participated in local exhibitions at Bus Projects, CAVES, The Substation, Kings Artist Run, C3 Contemporary, the Center for Contemporary Photography, George Paton and Margaret Lawrence gallery and internationally at CalArts gallery (Los Angeles), and gallery Kiitos (Japan). Bennett is a current MFA candidate at Victorian College of the Arts and a research assistant at Art+Australia journal.